Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Why do we wait?

I'm starting to let the news leak out. It is fun to tell. People are always happy to hear. And they ask how you are like they really care all about your morning stomach woes, and they smile at you, and they ask about your future.

So why do women like to wait as long as possible to spill the beans? I know, there is the possible miscarriage and "the longer people know and keep asking, the longer those 9 months will seem" excuse. I feel some satisfaction from hearing a person say, "4 months along! I had no idea! You look great!" But as I think about it, doesn't that just mean you always look 4 months pregnant? Hmmm.

So, I'm trying not to care. Society just seems to frown on that course of action. But the truth is, if you know why I am wearing less makeup, more sweats, my house is less clean and I put off more things, then I'll feel less embarrassed and guilty when I see you next. EVERYONE, I'M PREGNANT!

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