Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What to eat.

I really have a hard time finding something that sounds appatizing. I do like sweet pickles and cheddar cheese sometimes. I do crave chocolate sometimes. I always want a yummy drink, lemonade or a rootbeer freeze. Besides that, I'm all over the place.

I made some yummy pumpkin muffins, but they are still sitting in the pantry. They were really good, just not the right thing. Fruit seems to do well. But usually I can only think of one good thing at a time to eat. No options to choose from.

The other day I ran to the market for some fruit and stuff and ended up bringing home sweet corn puff thingys. I have never in my life bought those before. But they were sweet and salty and when I was tired of them, my kids devoured them. They were the only treat I saw that I wanted. Really. That is not a normal thing for me. I'm not usually picky about my sweets.

So dinner presents a big challange. Often nothing sounds good at all. So I procrastinate the day of my repentance and Matt comes home to nothing. Then we have waffles. Yesterday taco salad sounded good, never mind that we had 6 chips left and barely enough cheese for a sandwich or two. We (by that I mean me, Matt, and my neighbor Chris) made it work and I ate a bunch. Tonight, I'm not feeling so motivated. What sounds good to you when you are pregnant?


Paige said...

It totally depends on the day. But I do know for a fact if I crave it it will stay down and settle in my tummy way better than if I just try to eat something. I found that going out to eat was the best!!! I would see something on TV that looked good then we would go there. The AC was wonderful and no clean up! Not very practical, but most of the time it stayed down. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I usually do the walk around the grocery store for an hour thing and then come home with nothing.

My last pregnancy I craved fruit, but especially watermelon. I ate 1/2 a watermelon every day for an entire summer. My poor husband!

And then there are the weird cravings. Cravings so intense that I get out of bed at 1:30am, get dressed, and drive to Taco Bell to get something with nacho cheese in it. Or sometimes it's frozen totino's pizza for breakfast. Those instances are rare for me, though, and I'm stuck once again roaming around the store trying to think of something that will taste okay both going down and coming back up! (sorry for the yucky visual, but it's the truth!)