Friday, March 7, 2008


You know you're pregnant when:

Tuesday night you dream about your daughter leaning too far over a railing on a many decker boat and she falls down and bounces on the wood floor below as you watch screaming, and try to run down the stairs to her as fast as you can. And then. . .

Wednesday you dream about looking out a window up high and seeing people jumping to their doom over a large bridge and you shout out to them to not, but they do anyway. And then you see a mom lift her daughter's legs over and dump her while she clings to the rail for her life and she doesn't listen to your pleading either. And then. . .

Thursday you dream that you are in a nice hotel with your family and all of a sudden a gaggle of police descend to make a drug bust and your family is in the middle of it and hears the shooting and sees the blood and the bodies/people lined up by the policemen to be taken in.

But the real nightmare is that you went for an appointment and the midwife said that your baby is so advanced that she has flipped around and instead of living upside down for the next month she is trying her hand at tap dancing on your bladder instead and you realize that you are going to have to lay upside down with all the blood rushing to your head and your back hurting, and your stomach cramping many times a day just to try and get the little rascal upside down again. Sighhhh.

She's breach.


LuckyMatt said...

Wow, you have obviously spared me the gory details of many of your dreams of late. Sorry your slumber isn't blissful right now.

Jenny and Al said...

Lame. I hope she moves around again. Sorry about the dreams.

Shell said...

So thaaattttttssss what you you were doing last night. I thought it odd that you thought that would be a comfortable pose! No one told me to do that when Collette was breach. Good luck!

Shell said...

I mean rebecca, collette wasn't breach

Shell said...

Hey, someone else has my name. Wow, I'm just impressed with your ability to grip me into your dreams. I read them with white knuckles and racing heart beats.