Monday, March 17, 2008

37 weeks and counting

My stomach hits about mid thigh when I kneel.

My sleep is broken into about 5 sections each night; sleep, wake, use bathroom, lay down on left side, sleep, wake, use bathroom, lay down on right side, and on and on.

My toenails are in serious need of attention.

My hair is about to be cut off.

My sciatic nerve exploded the other day, but feels better after following my midwife's advice for stretching those hamstrings (which is easier said than done with a twenty pound brick attached to your gut).

My baby is NOT breach anymore, head down.

My status is 2 cm and 50% effaced.

My back is oh so sore and ready for my massage on Thursday.

I'm physically ready; otherwise, still a lot of work to do!


Anonymous said...

wow sad that i'm missing such a party! i'll be home for the good stuff!

Jenny and Al said...

I'm glad she isn't breach anymore! You are almost there!