Saturday, January 23, 2010

All over again

Do I really want to do this all over again? Yes I do. Well, have my 6th baby, that is. I'm not sure I want to blog about it. Last time it wasn't too interesting or consistent. But since I don't journal that well, I'm going to give this a go.

I found out I was pregnant after only about 2 weeks, before I missed my period, because I was having some serious and unusual pains. I went in and found out all was well, no ectopic pregnancy etc. I also found out I was pregnant, which I suspected and why I was worried about the pain. I had a slight UTI, and so the doctor gave me a prescription. I was pretty doubtful. I've had my share of bladder infections, and trust me, this didn't feel anything like them. It felt like my uterus was going to fall out.

But I took the pills and about a week later I was all better. At least the pain was better. I felt happy as can be the whole time. I couldn't stop smiling. I can't wait to welcome another sweet, pure, innocent, perfect and totally unique child into our family.

And so our due date is August 2, and we are waiting. Waiting to get rid of the sick stomach all day long. Waiting to have enough energy to dry my hair after I shower. Waiting to tell all my friends (loved ones already know.)

Pregnancy is a lot of waiting for me. But less so than that first baby. After a week or two during this pregnancy, (before I felt sick, which always keeps the pregnancy in mind) I found myself only remembering that I was pregnant morning and night when I'd pray for health and strength and a healthy little baby to grow.

Now I wish I'd appreciated those days more. I was wondering if something was wrong because I didn't feel ANYTHING for so long. But the lovely sickness came, and there was no miscarriage. And now I'm 12 weeks along and feeling a little better (maybe?).

So far, so good.

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